Purity is the Force!
Since food is so central to everyone’s life, it is only natural that it is among the most effective mediums to initiate a change in consciousness. When a person is living consciously, they will do so in all their thoughts and actions. Their lives will be consistent and in harmony with their environment. And, living consciously begins with conscious eating. The adage “you are what you eat,” has never been more true than in the United States. As Americans struggle with poor health and obesity, our national consciousness exudes an air of both arrogance and apathy.
Food is the most basic necessity of life. Its purpose is to nourish the body, mind, and soul. Food should, therefore, give life and cleanse the body and uplift the spirit. Our organization, Food for Life of N.O. and the Gulf Coast, is based upon India’s Vedic tradition. This tradition says that food that is old, decomposed, and consisting of dead flesh will pollute the body and consciousness. Food that is fresh, alive, and nutritious will, on the other hand, enrich the body, cleanse the mind, and satisfy the soul. Such foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains.